Winutils Exe Hadoop S카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 6. 23:27
Whether you desire to unit check your Interest Scala application making use of Scala Testing or need to run some Interest application on Windows, you need to perform a several basics settings and options before you do so. In this post, I will describe the configurations that will help you start your journey to operate your interest program seamlessly on your windows machines. Let's get began -First, note that you don't want Hadoop installation in your home windows machine to operate Interest. You require a way to make use of POSIX like document access functions in home windows which is certainly implemented using winutils.exe making use of some Home windows APIs.Stage 1.
Download winutils.exe binary from this link -, and location it on á folder Iike this - - G:hadoopbin, create sure you are downloading the exact same edition as on which your Interest version can be created against. You can verify the version of Hadoop your interest version was put together with making use of pom of interest binary you are usually using -.
SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failing: Task 3 in stage 2.0 failed 1 instances, most current failure: Missing task 3.0 in phase 2.0 ( TID 13, localhost ): coffee. NullPointerException at coffee. Begin ( ProcessBuilder.
Coffee: 1012 ) at org. RunCommand ( Covering. Java: 483 ) at org. Java: 456 ) at org.
Execute ( Covering. Coffee: 722 ) at org.
Chmod ( FileUtil. Java: 873 ) at org.
Chmod ( FileUtil. Coffee: 853 ) at org. FetchFile ( Utils. Scala: 471 )This will be triggered because HADOOPHOME atmosphere variable is usually not clearly set. Established theHADOOPHOME environment to%SPARKH0ME%/tmp/hadoop ór area where binwinutils.exe is definitely situated.Download winutils.éxe binary from repository.Notice: You need to select proper Hadoop edition which is usually compatible with your Interest submission.Hadoop version is frequently encoded in interest download name, for instance, spark-2.4.5-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz.Mistake from working copyto. InvocationTargetException at sun.
NewInstance0 ( Native Method ) at sunlight. NewInstance ( NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.
Coffee: 62 ) at sun. NewInstance ( DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl. Coffee: 45 ) at java. NewInstance ( Constructor. Coffee: 423 ) at org. CreateClient ( IsolatedClientLoader. Scala: 258 ) at org.
Winutils.exe Hadoop 2.7 Download For Windows 64 Bit
NewClientForMetadata ( HiveUtils. Scala: 359 ) at org. NewClientForMetadata ( HiveUtils. Scala: 263 ) at org. MetadataHive$lzycompute ( HiveSharedState.